

Year Founded: 2017
The most reliable way to build web3 apps

Alchemy is a developer platform that empowers companies to build scalable and reliable decentralized applications without the hassle of managing blockchain infrastructure in-house. It is currently faster, more reliable, and more scalable than any other existing solution, and is incredibly easy to integrate! Many top projects in the space, including Augur, Cryptokitties, Kyber, Radar Relay, OpenSea, etc rely on Alchemy to support their core infrastructure needs. The team consists of top engineers (from Stanford, MIT, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and many more startups) with decades of industry experience in big data and scalable infrastructure and is backed by A-list investors (Charles Schwab, Coinbase, founders of LinkedIn and Paypal, Chairman of Google, etc)

Alchemy Offices

Hybrid Workspace

Employees engage in a combination of remote and on-site work.

Typical time on-site: Flexible

Articles We're In

Published on February 09, 2022

Alchemy Solidifies Its Decacorn Status Following $200M Series C-1

The massive round sent the company’s valuation soaring to $10.2 billion.